Savings have the power to turn your financial and routine life around. Saving money is a financial journey that can help you move forward with your life in the right direction. However, the process doesn’t come easy. Savings require you to give on things, cut down on expenditures, and live rather plainly until you get into the habit. It’s the beginning that’s always difficult, but once you get a hang of it, the savings come easier and better.
Here are 10 simple ways to save money to start with:
- Make a list and make sure you buy ONLY the items on that list. This trick works best for grocery shopping or other monthly/weekly shopping trips.
- Cook your food at home. Reduce the number of times you order pizza or other takeaways during the month. Keep it to maximum twice a month and save the money you spend on them. Cook healthier meals at home.
- Quit smoking. You can save up to $7 a day and $210 a month if you smoke 1 pack daily. Cut down your consumption to half a pack a day and you’ll save half as much still!
- Clear out the clutter. You obviously have a lot of furniture, décor, and other instruments that you don’t use anymore but they’re still lying around the house. Organize a garage sale and sell them off. The money you earn goes into the piggy bank.
- If nobody’s watching the TV, switch it off!
- Keep your car’s air filter clean and save on the fuel costs. You’d be surprised how much money you can save on that.
- Pay cash. Minimize the use of credit cards. Paying in cash helps you keep track of your spending.
- If you’re paying subscriptions for any memberships you haven’t made use of in the last 6 months, get them cancelled.
- Turn off the lights when they are not in use. This will drastically cut down your utility bills.
- Indulge in making creative DIY gifts instead of spending hundreds of dollars on pricey gifts during the holiday season.
Start off with these and you’ll notice your savings grow. Here’s a bonus tip – put these savings in interest earning bank accounts or invest them in lucrative options to make your wealth grow in the long run.